The Animal Kindness Foundation would like to recognize Mutt-i-grees, a wonderful organization that is simpatico with our mission and vision to share social and emotional learning within our communities.
Mutt-i-grees has graciously allowed their curriculums to be shared digitally until June 30, 2020, to give youth positive exposure and learning experiences that embodies kindness, compassion and empathy during this uncertain time. We would like to thank Mutt-i-grees for making their materials available. The Curriculum was developed by Yale University’s School of the 21st Century in partnership with North Shore Animal League America.
Launched in 2010, Mutt-i-grees® Curriculum uses the natural affinity between kids and pets to teach social-emotional learning (SEL) skills that are critical to academic success and a successful life. Where would we be in our lives without empathy, self-confidence, teamwork and ethical decision-making. What makes their program unique is its experiential component, via humane education, they connect students to the plight of shelter animals and the importance of rescue. Students who take this journey and learn how shelter animals make the best companions and that all of us — including kids — have the power to make a positive difference in our communities and in the lives of homeless animals. The Mutt-i-Grees Curriculum is an innovative Pre-K-Grade 12 social emotional learning program. During these uncertain times the social and emotional well-being of students is more essential than ever. As such Mutt-i-grees is proud to offer FREE access to all of their digital content.​ Their program is designed to develop empathy, resiliency and an awareness of oneself and other in the world creating a more humane future. Curriculums for all age groups are available for download from their website: A few samples are attached below.